Ways to Give
Please continue to support your parish. The best way to ensure we can continue to provide spiritual support for everyone is for parishioners to make their weekly contribution by automatic payment.
If you currently use pledge envelopes, please consider changing to automatic payments. It’s a simple process to set up and, once established, means we can confidently plan for the future. To set up an automatic payment follow the steps below:
Login to your bank account online
Set up an automatic payment using the following details:
Receiving bank account #: 02-0108-0708668-000
Account name: Glenfield Parish
Particulars: Planned giving or special collection (e.g. Easter)
Code: Pledge number (if you have one) If you don't have a Pledge number please contact the parish office: office@stthomasmore.org.nz
Reference: Your surname and initials
Complete the frequency etc. as per your bank’s requirements.
We really appreciate your generosity and consideration in these challenging times.
Tax donation receipts for 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.
Tax donation receipts have been printed and are in the parish office for collection or they have been emailed in April if I have your email address.
If you have changed your email address please let Trevlyn in the office know: office@stthomasmore.org.nz
If you don't have an email address, you can pick up your receipt from the parish office.